著者・訳者など:樋野興夫 言葉 早見紀章 写真 Chieko&Laura 英訳
ページ数:32枚綴り リング綴じ
Photo Flip Calendar: Prescriptive Words to Change Your Life
(Shashin Himekuri: Jinsei o Kaeru Kotoba no Shohohsen)
Okio Hino, Hayami Kisha, Photos, English translation by Chieko and Laura
Flip Calendar of 31 daily readings and full-color photos of beautiful Nature. Sickness does not discriminate. Everyone gets sick sometime. But the Bible says this can be a time to grow your character. Cancer specialist Dr. Hino has collected bilingual Japanese/English words of encouragement for each day of the month to help you grow and have hope. Forest Books. Ring binding with stand. 150mmX128mm size, 32 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04293-8 \1,400+