著者・訳者など:ユージン・ピーターソン 著 内山薫 訳
The Wisdom of Each Other, A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends
( Shinko no Tomo e no Tegami)
Eugene Peterson
Honest and prayerful conversation is often hard to come by. In our reliance upon the Bible as our source of counsel, many of us overlook what the Scriptures themselves say about the importance of godly friends as a source of wisdom and practical direction for living. The author believes that counsel between companions engaged in a common task--that of following Christ--needs to be revived among believers. The author portrays a relationship between a long-time believer and a seeker wanting to renew his commitment to Christ as they discuss the importance of living out their faith. Drawing from his own experience, he helps us see how God can speak through wise, faith-filled companions, offering guidance, encouragement, and counsel for the challenges and concerns of everyday living. B6 size, 144 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04311-9 \1,500+