出版社・製造元:寺尾貞亮 (いのちのことば社発売)
幼くして父を亡くし、いじめられて不登校になった著者は、1960年、21歳で単身、移民船に乗りブラジルへ向かう。その船上で出会った宣教師によってキリストと出会い、自給伝道者となる。波乱万丈の自伝と、ショートメッセージが詰まった1冊。[発売いのちのことば社 (協力出版)]
Christ on a Brazilian Immigrant Ship
(Brajiru Imin Senjoh no Kirisuto)
Teisuke Terao
In 1960 the author immigrated to Brazil. While on the ship taking him there he met a missionary who introduced him to Christ. When he arrived he started a busines that harvested propolis, a substance produced by bees to coat their hives and containing many health benefits. His business producing and selling the health supplement expanded from Brazil to Japan, China and Europe. But the author also became a lay evangelist spreading the gospel among the Japanese immigrants in Brazil. The first part of the book is his testimony. But most of it is a collection of the author’s short evangelistic messages in larger print with kana pronunciation for the Chinese characters and especially appealing to older people among the immigrants and in Japan. Word of Life Press distribution. A5 size, 192 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04297-6 \1.200