
CGN TV提供(外部コンテンツ)
ニューヨーク・タイムズ ベストセラー・リスト 70週連続1位!世界的ベストセラーが遂に映画化!
映画「アメイジング・ジャーニー 〜神の小屋より〜」公式サイトhttp://amazing-journey.jp/
The Shack
(Kami no Koya)
William Paul Young
A novel. "Mack" Philips took his three children on a family camping trip while his wife visited her sister. Just as they were about to leave the campsite, the two older kids decided to take a last canoe ride before heading home. As their canoe overturned, and Mack went to help them, his back was turned and the unspeakable happened. Mack's youngest daughter, Missy, was abducted by a known child predator. After a massive search, evidence of Missy showed up at an abandoned cabin. Although they never found her body, everyone knew the worst had happened. For the next four years "a great sadness" fell over Mack and his family, until a note from God showed up in his mailbox. What happens next will move you to a greater understanding of God's unfailing love for us. The story takes overwhelming heartache and portrays God’s healing power in our lives through a different look at the Trinity. It is fiction and is not a literal description of God, but is a creative, imaginative way of showing how God relates to us humans in love and forgiveness. Japanese non-Christians might be confused because they do not have any idea of the Trinity. But Christians can experience the joy of being with God and can then share that joy with others around them. B6* size, 368 pp.