≪著者プロフィール ジョン・ヒューレット≫
序章 「私は終わった」 3
推薦のことば|第一部/第二部/第三部 とびら前
第一部 出発する……………………………………………………21
1 あなたはどこにいますか 22
2 ミニストリー・シーズンと人間関係 40
第二部 到着する……………………………………………………61
3 到着してタスキを受ける 62
4 牧会移行期についての証し 72
第三部 導 く………………………………………………………125
5 逆境からの再起力あるリーダーシップ 126
6 アイデンティティーと余裕 145
7 魂のケア 156
8 ともに歩む 176
第四部 完走する……………………………………………………187
9 いつ終わるのか 188
10 牧師の引退に関するアンケート調査 197
11 アンコール・キャリア! 206
12 出発の計画 214
13 後継者育成プロジェクト 231
14 達成する 244
Resilience: How Japanese Pastors Can Thrive in Every Season
(Bokushi no Rejiriensu)
John Houlette
Being a pastor is hard, like running a marathon, and some burn out or give up. How can they overcome the difficult issues of pastoring, be refreshed and thrive in ministry and in life? Following recovery from his own burnout, the author has had many years of experience in helping Japanese pastors thrive. Seminary teachers, denomination leaders and church elders are responsible to care for pastors through the four seasons of ministry: Spring: beginning when they receive the call and are in seminary preparing; Summer: the middle years; Autumn: later years heading for retirement; Winter: retirement. Like an ekiden relay race, pastors need to pass the baton on to the next generation and relinquish leadership eventually. Includes testimonies of pastors, both men and women, who share turning points in ministry and life. Also includes a survey of denominations and their systems for caring for pastors. Discussion questions after each chapter are useful to help pastor and elders together process the principles or for personal reflection. This book is invaluable for pastors and all who care for them. “4-6” size, 256 pp.