創世記の天地創造のテーマは宇宙の起源なのか? 創造科学、インテリジェント・デザイン、有神論的進化論など、創世記1章をめぐる様々な議論に対して、ホイートン大学の旧約学者が、現代世界の枠組みを外して古代の世界観で聖書記者の意図を読み解く。
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origin Debate
(Sohseiki Issho no Saihakken: Kodai no Sekai Kan de Seisho o Yomu)
John H. Walton
Using 18 formal propositions based on a rigorous study of the Hebrew word "bara" (create) and ancient Near Eastern literature, Walton constructs a compelling, provocative and original interpretation of Genesis 1. He argues that, Genesis 1 was written to show the people in that ancient Near Eastern world that the cosmos was created as a functioning temple where God takes up his residence as his headquarters from which he runs the world. The creation account is far more concerned with the cosmos being given its functions as God's temple than it is with the manufacture of the material structures of the earth and universe. It is not so concerned with modern people's questions of what can be learned from science regarding origins. So it sheds fresh light on the discussion of origins while recognizing the real authority of the Bible as God's Word. A5 size, 200 pp.