カナダ・キリスト教出版界最高の「ワード・ギルド賞」2014年最優秀賞受賞、アマゾン・カナダChristian living部門1位獲得のベストセラー。
God In My Everything
(Kenja no Seikatsu Rizumu)
Ken Shigematsu
Spiritual formation is more than just solitude and contemplative reflections. Spiritual formation happens in the everyday, in each and every moment of life. For those caught up in the busyness of work, family, and church, it often feels like time with God is just another thing on a crowded “to-do’ list. Ken explains how the time-tested spiritual practice of the “rule of life” of 6th century Celtic monks can help bring busy people into a closer relationship with God. He shows how a personal rule of life can fit almost any vocation or life situation. You will discover how to create and practice a life-giving, sustainable rhythm in the midst of your demanding life. If you long for a deeper spirituality but often feel that the busyness of life makes a close relationship with God challenging?and, at times, seemingly impossible?this book is for you. Ken Shigematsu is the Senior Pastor of Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC, one of the largest and most diverse city-center churches in Canada. Before entering pastoral ministry, he worked for the Sony Corporation in Tokyo and draws on both eastern and western perspectives in writing and speaking. B6* size, 236 pp.